
Latino Book Review 

Spring 2022.

“Un Mensaje de Malinche” 

Anuario de Poesía de San Diego: Pozol Issue. 2021-22.

Edited by Olga Garcia (this is another poet and my tocaya, not me). 

“Somos Muchas”: Poem by Olga García Echeverría and Photography by Tanya Flores Hodgson.

Free Online Access. Pages 41-46 

Ginger Zine

Jacqueline Cantu + Markee Speyer (editors and co-founders),  Issue #23, Winter 2021.

“Bonito día que te fuiste” 

Dryland: A Literary Journal Born in South Central Los Angeles

Ponte Las Pilas Press, South Central LA, CA; 2020

“Her Name Was Valerie” 

Hombre Lobo: 13 True Xicanx Spooky Stories.

Edited by Viva Padilla & Amanda Orozco. 2020. 


“My Parents, The Scribes”

 Latino Book Review Magazine, 2020 Issue.

“Este cuerpo es mio”

 Anuario de Poesia de San Diego: San Diego Poetry Annual.

Published by San Diego Entertainment + Arts Guild (SDEAG) and Garden Oak Press. 2017-2018

“Gnarly Mexican Words: Desgranando la lengua” 

Imaniman: Poets Writing in the Anzaldúan Borderlands

Edited by ire’ne lara silva and Dan Vera. Aunt Lute Books, San Francisco, CA; 2016

“New Weapons Against Super Bugs”, “Wildfires”, and

“An Interview with Terry Wolverton” 

Bird Float, Tree Song: Dis*Articulated Poems by Los Angeles Poets

Edited by Terry Wolverton. Silverton Books, Los Angeles, CA; 2016

“When Words Are Scarce”

 The Sun Magazine. December 2015 Issue.

“Santa Monica” in LA Waterworks: Histories of Water and Place

by the Studio for Southern California History, Los Angeles, CA; 2013

“Goddess of Filth” in Lavanderia: A Mixed Load of Women, Wash, and Words.

Edited by Donna Watson, Michelle Sierra, and Lucia Gbaya-Kanga

Publisher: Sunbelt Publications; first Edition (September 15, 2009)

“Lengualistic Algo: Spoken-Broken Word”

Telling Tongues: A Latin@ Anthology on Language Experience.

Edited by Luis G. Mendoza & Toni Nelson Herrera. Calaca Press and Red Salmon Press. 2007

“Lengualistic Algo: Spoken-Broken Word 

U.S. Latino Literature Today.

Edited by Gabriela Baeza Ventura. University of Houston, Houston, Texas, 2005.